1. Complete an
Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP) and submit to the RULH LPDC for approval. Goals must reference the
Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession. Please note that there are separate standards for Teachers, Principals, Treasurers and Superintendents. The RULH LPDC will review your IPDP and approve or request revisions. You may begin professional development activities once your IPDP has been approved. Professional development activities completed prior to the approval of your IPDP may not count towards licensure.
2. Professional development activities should address your IPDP goals as listed on your approved IPDP. You can select one or more of the activities below, as appropriate. You may work with the LPDC to amend your IPDP if needed as you select professional development activities.
- College/University graduate coursework
- Ongoing series of workshop sessions
- Conference
- Single workshop
- Professional Learning Team/Community Involvement
- Independent study/action research
- Professional educational organization activities
- District Leadership Team, LPDC, curriculum development, school improvement
- District PD (i.e., district in-services, Public School Works)
- Coaching/mentoring student teachers, new teachers or teachers in need
- Other, not listed above: (Specify) _________________________ (requires prior approval from the LPDC (i.e., under graduate coursework)
Professional development must reflect time spent in PD activity or a transcript from an accredited college or university. If you have questions as to whether a specific PD activity will be approved, complete the
PD pre-approval form to receive approval before completing the activity. The LPDC reserves the right to not approve some PD activities if they do not align with the individual's IPDP.
3. After the completion of the PD, complete and submit the
PD Summary form along with one or more of the documents below:
- Certificate of attendance
- Reflection journal
- Time log
- Agenda with specific dates and times
- Conference program with attended sessions identified
- Transcripts or grade reports
- Original work related to PD (portfolio, lesson plans, curriculum documents, grants, academic articles, etc.
- Other: specify _________________________________
4. All PD should be submitted in the same school year the the PD was completed. All documentation will be returned to you once approved. It is your responsibility to maintain records for licensure renewal. Approval of PD by the LPDC is not automatic upon completion of said PD.
5. Once all PD is completed and approved, submit the PD Summary Form to the LPDC to indicate renewal process is approved and complete. Complete the online license application within your SAFE account on the Ohio Department of Education webpage. Once your application is completed, the LPDC Chairperson will be notified to verify completion of professional development.