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Ripley Union Lewis Huntington
School District
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Directions to RULH District Office and Elementary School

From the intersection of US 68/US 62/ US 52 turn left. The Elementary School is on the left in approximately half a mile. Parking is located in front of and behind the building.
The District Office is located on the back side of the Elementary School. Access can be gained through the Elementary Office.
The Varsity Boys' Baseball Field is located at RULH Elementary School. 

Directions to RULH High School

RULH High School is located in the village of Ripley along the Ohio River. From the intersection of US 52 and US 68, turn left. The High School is approximately 1.5 miles east on US 52 on the right. From the intersection of Ohio 41 and US 52 in Aberdeen, turn right. The High School is approximately 7 miles west of the intersection on the left.
The Varsity Soccer Field is located at the High School. Please see directions to RULH Middle School for Varsity Girls' Softball, and directions to RULH Elementary School for directions to Varsity Boy's Baseball.

Directions to RULH Middle School

RULH Middle School is located in the village of Aberdeen, Ohio. From the intersection of US 68/US 62/US 52 turn left. Travel on US 52 approximately 7 miles to the village of Aberdeen. Immediately beyond the stoplight for Ohio River bridge traffic, turn left on to Rains Eitel Road, then immediately turn right. The Middle School is located to your left.
The Varsity Girls' Softball field is located at RULH Middle School. 

RULH District Office

502 South Second Street
P. O. Box 85
Ripley, OH 45167
Phone: (937) 392-4396
Fax: (937) 392-7003

RULH High School

1317 S. Second Street
Ripley, OH 45167
Phone: (937) 392-4384
Fax: (937) 392-7017

RULH MIddle School

2300 Rains Eitel Road
Aberdeen, OH 45101
Phone: (937) 795 - 8001
Fax: (937) 795 - 8035
district home
Ripley Union Lewis Huntington
School District
502 South Second Street
Ripley, OH 45167
Phone: (937) 392-4396
Fax: (937) 392-7003
"Academics. Attendance. Attitude."
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