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Stakeholder Survey
The Ripley Union Lewis Huntington Local School District (RULH) has received funds from the federal government via the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) fund. ESSER funding provides money to state and local educational agencies to help safely reopen and sustain the operation of schools and address the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the nation’s students.
In an effort to best meet the needs of the students, families, and communities we serve, RULH is seeking input regarding the expenditure of ESSER funding. If you have suggestions about how to most effectively spend these federal funds in our school district, please share your feedback with us by completing the survey linked here.
Funds are allowed to be spent in the following areas:
  • Addressing learning loss
  • Addressing facility needs and deferred maintenance/infrastructure
  • Purchasing educational technology
  • Addressing the unique needs of special populations
  • School facility repairs
  • Providing mental health supports
  • High quality instructional materials for math adoption
  • High quality instructional materials for early literacy
  • Public health coordination and protocols
  • Conducting other necessary activities