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First Grade News

It has been a great start to the 2017 school year. Welcome back night was well attended by the students and their families. First Grade teachers Mrs. Aimee Carpenter, Mrs. Lisa Moran and Mrs. Kelly Saelens have welcomed back over sixty new students.

First Graders have been busy learning the JAYS Rules and are practicing being good citizens in our school. They are earning green tickets for making good choices. Friday the students attended a mobile assembly to see how the JAYS Rules apply throughout the school and bus. In Math, students have been learning how to joins groups together to make addition sentences. Students have had a busy week learning new vocabulary sight words, short a spelling words and reading our new weekly story. The First Grade classrooms have been excited to use our new technology devices, including the Epson BrightLink (smartboard) and the Chromebooks.

Teachers would like to thank all of our classroom families for helping to make the beginning of our school year so great!! We look forward to sharing more exciting news from our classes as the year continues.